The best marketing strategy you can employ is running a live event! This blog will detail how to effectively utilize it.
Let us start by looking at the key features of why lives are powerful for your lead generation and marketing strategy, then we will break it down into more detail.
These key benefits are crucial in achieving a sale or subscription. What may take longer with other marketing methods can be addressed immediately and with adaptation to suit the attendees' needs.
These points alone should stand out to you, and you should already understand that running lives is a powerful strategy in your marketing skill set.
We will now break down these points before we move on to the pros and cons section.
Running a live puts you front and centre, leading to higher conversion rates. You can adapt to the needs of your audience and prepare them for the sale, which can happen immediately even while on the live!
It allows you to develop a strategy for making that sale, which we will discuss later in the Planning Strategy for the Live subtopic.
When you first connect with your audience, they will be cold leads. They don't know you, and you don't know them or their needs. Yes, they are interested in your niche, but that's all you know about them!
By running a live event, it gives you the ability to interact with them, solve their pain points, and show them the value in your product. This direct contact, where you are front and centre, warms them up to you. And yes, I say YOU. The product at this stage is irrelevant! WHAT! Yes, it's true. They are assessing you.
One thing's for sure, unless you are a salesman, of course, who blows hot air! Being in front of a live audience means you really do know your stuff. This, in turn, makes you an authority.
You could be asked anything about your product, and by being live and answering confidently, by showing your expertise, you are effectively grabbing the prize of authority in the shortest time possible.
This will make your attendees feel relaxed and confident that you are the choice for them.
Without doubt, addressing people's pain points and providing them with something of value (how it will change or transform their life) is one of the most powerful techniques you can employ!
But not only this, the data from questions asked can provide you with valuable feedback, all in the live arena, no market research. Your people are already there, and they cannot wait to share their ideas and views. This approach engages your audience and strengthens the bond between you and them!
The strategy of running a live show has one massive plus: you can show your audience the VALUE straight away. In fact, it should be your first line when you come on live! We will focus on this in the Planning Strategy topic below.
Another important aspect is building a relationship. Getting to know your attendees is just as important as them getting to know you, making them feel relaxed and confident in your abilities and understanding of their needs. Remember the golden rule: you are servicing them, not using it as a platform to boost your ego.
Ego, trust me, I have seen many instructors get their ego bumped up and make it all about themselves. Ego is a good thing; it pushes you to move forward, but blowing hot air and inflating your own sails is not the right approach. Avoid it.
In this modern world, the effect of AI-generated content is everywhere. Even in this post, you may have thought, "Maybe this is AI." Believe me, it is not!
Being live in person confronts this head-on. It's you're here and you're real. Never has there been a more important time to show our humanity to the world and embrace our authenticity.
Running a live show means information about your product can be shown extremely quickly. You can tackle their desires and adjust your presentation accordingly, but it's very quick! And it's more than a headline and a catchy subtitle.
Again, we mention how being live enables you to engage with your audience's needs and, of course, adapt. No one lives the same as the last. It's not a spilling of the same constant lives; that means engagement and adapting. Do this, and you will drive your sales through the roof!
As you can see, running lives gives you a higher conversion rate for your product. It builds confidence in you and the instructor and puts you in the authority hot seat, while also engaging and building trust and confidence that you know what you're talking about.
You build a better relationship with your potential members by addressing their needs and at the same time selling the value to them in a casual and non-hard sell manner.
It's you, the expert, not some AI generating everything for you. It shows how you can adapt to their needs and shows your personality and authenticity.
It provides data for you to use in future products. Yes, it's like a marketing and research group. It does so many good things for you; it is beyond any other kind of marketing strategy out there and will always be the number one way to convert to sale.
We looked at the main points. Now let's go through some of the positive and negative points. It's not all roses, and you definitely don't fake it!
As you can see from the pro points we already covered, there are so many. How can you miss the opportunity for your business?
But there are also some key negative points that you should be aware of. There is nowhere to hide. You are the host; you need to know your stuff. Unless you're a salesman and you blow hot air! But the attendees might notice, and that will ruin you.
Planning is key, of course, and you have to commit the time to being there, having confidence on camera, and also remember that things can go wrong, so be prepared!
Don't worry; at Zenler, we have you covered by preparing a Planning for Lives Strategy with some helpful links to resources and workshops.
I am sure by now you are super excited to create your first live, but hold on a minute, we still need to discuss planning and preparation!
Before we move on to the planning and strategy part of this blog, I want to let you know about Zenler and how it can solve all your live worries and concerns.
As you can see, even though Zenler is a Course Creation Platform, it is built from the ground up around Marketing, and Lives play a crucial role in its infrastructure. Read more about the various aspects of the platform here.
What is Zenler? -
Marketing Tools of Zenler-
Engagement and Nurturing -
Key Course Features -
Memberships with Zenler -
Our History and Roots -
So if you're looking for the all-in-one solution for all your marketing needs without additional tools or subscriptions, join Zenler today at
In this part of the blog, we will focus our attention on what you need to do to get ready for a live event. We will not be talking about tech setup, such as web cameras, setting up the lives, just on the planning and strategy!
Within the article are links to related articles and workshops that will help you to get better!
These outlined tips above will lead you to running an effective live. Now, what about the workshops and freebies I mentioned?
Don't worry; below are a lot of resources for you. Enjoy them and become better at running lives. I cannot wait to hear about your success!
Some free resources, especially for you from us at Zenler. We wish you the best of luck in your business. WHAT LUCK NO! It has nothing to do with it. Go and grab those opportunities NOW!
We hope you enjoyed this blog and are now feeling confident to launch your lives. You now have all the tools you need to be the best at what you do!
All the best,
Team Zenler
Categories: : Zenler Course Creation, Zenler Marketing Help/Advice
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